Meet Troy Chauppetta, a 28-year-old Duchenne Ambassador from Massachusetts. He’s a USA wheelchair Power soccer team player, graphic/website designer, and living independently. Troy defies odds with his hand-controlled vehicle, roommates, and dog. He has a strong message: Disability is ability. He’s breaking barriers and advancing Duchenne awareness through technology, support, and determination.

About Troy Chauppetta

“My name is Troy Chauppetta, a 28-year-old from Massachusetts, USA. I’m passionate about sports, playing for the USA wheelchair Power soccer team. I am all about independence, driving my vehicle with hand controls and living with roommates. I’m also a proud dog owner. When I’m not on the field or exploring with my dog, I channel my creativity as a Graphic Designer and website designer.”

Daily life with Duchenne

“My daily life with Duchenne is great defining all the odds. My Personal Care Assistants get me up and ready to take on the day. Most of my creative work is done on the computer. I take care of my apartment and make sure my dog is all set for the day. But as people know, living with a disability there are lots of ups and downs but I try to keep it positive. I have a twin brother who also has Duchenne and having each other helps me with the daily life living with Duchenne. Because I have someone always by my side that I relate to!

Duchenne Ambassador

“My motivation stems from a strong desire to share my journey, demonstrating that one can overcome challenges while living with a disability. I’m determined to inspire and show that defying the odds is possible.”

Interpreting ‘Breaking Barriers’

“To me, ‘Breaking Barriers’ signifies the ability to lead a fulfilling life despite a disability, achieving anything by harnessing determination and willpower. You can live a great life with a disability and do with you put your mind to.”

Key message

“My message is simple yet powerful: I want people living with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy not to limit themselves just because they have a disability. I see the world Ability In disability you have the Ability to do with you dream.”

Future goals

Troy is positive when asked about the future in terms of breaking barriers and advancing awareness for Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy. “I see lots of wonderful things happening in the future with Advancing awareness with all the technology and advancements and the wonderful support groups we have!”

Looking forward, Troy is optimistic about the future, anticipating significant progress in awareness and support for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy through the integration of technology and the unwavering strength of support networks.

We invite you to follow Troy Chauppetta’s inspiring story via social media. Inspire others to break down barriers in Duchenne or Becker by sharing your story.

Instagram: @_tc09t

Facebook: Troy Chauppetta