My name is Patrick and I am 21 years old. I am attending the University of New England as an Animal Behavior major as a commuter and am currently a junior. I have a sister named Rachel and a cat named Smokey. I had a brother who passed a way from heart failure due to Duchenne. I was diagnosed with Duchenne at the age of 5. I am involved in quite a few things through school and outside of school. I am part of the local community chorus and we meet once a week to prepare for two yearly concerts. One in the spring and one in the winter. I am also an Orientation Leader, so I help new students prepare for college during the new student Orientation. Its super rewarding because I get to help so many people through it as well as make new connections with people. I have my license and a van that has a bunch of adaptations that allow me to drive it independently. I am an extremely positive person and I love life. I love to participate in events at my university and spend time with all my friends. I think it is important to live life the way you want to regardless of having a disability. If you have something you always wanted to do, go for it because you may never get a second chance for some things.