My name is Saifudeen and I have turned 18 this year. It was about 12 years ago when I was officially diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I was unable to run, walk fast or be independent. And finally, about 8 years ago, when I was 10 years old, I was wheel-chaired.
I have always wanted to be a police officer since young. The thought of protecting my country and my love one makes me feel very self-fulfilling. After completing my primary school education, I was home-schooled for several years. I often shy myself from crowds and preferred to stay alone almost all the time. My dreams, hope and ambitions shattered ever since.
About a year ago, I was invited by Muscular Dystrophy Association Singapore to attend their programmes. Initially I was sceptical but deep inside I really hate being the way I was. I decided to take one step forward and give myself a chance.
Today, I’m an active member of MDAS. I’m attending their BRIDGE programme, a customized learning session where I get to learn Math, and Tamil. I’m also learning illustrator course which excites me since I have always enjoyed designing. Above all, I was recently chosen to participate in the National Disability League for Boccia.
I have never in my life imagined that I have the chance to dream to live my life the way I want but today, I have accepted my illness and I’m living happily with my family and friends.