Numele meu este Carciumaru Florin si am saptesprezece ani. Locuiesc in Romania intr-un oras numit Pitesti si ce pot sa va spun este ca ea are peisaje frumoase,locuri istorice si monumente, inafara de asta ea deasemenea are multe manastiri. Daca doriti sa vizitati tara mea, pentru a stii despre natiunea mea,religie si obiceiuri, va rog veniti. Visul meu este sa fiu un programator IT in grafica, si deasemenea un tehnician IT, inafara de asta deasemenea vreau sa fiu un preot slujind la o manastire si sa termin facultatea de politehnica. Cand este weekend, imi place sa ma plimb afara o ora, prin jurul cartierului si deasemenea sa ma duc la sala, facand niste exercitii. Dupa ce fac asta, eu vin acasa si apoi citesc ceva sau ma joc niste jocuri pe computer cu prietenii mei online sau singur. Daca este ceva sa schimb in lume, este speranta la un viitor mai bun deoarece cand spui ,,Nu putem face nimic”, aceasta nu este adevarat. Nu politicienii schimba tara, ci oamenii care locuiesc in aceea tara. Ei doar asculta plangerile noastre apoi ei fac ceva cu ajutorul nostrum. Deci noi suntem puterea nu ei, si trebuie sa na ajutam reciproc, nu continuand sa fim prosti si sa mergem inainte pe cont propriu. Daca a-si putea invita trei prieteni cei mai buni, care vor fi varul meu, doi prieteni care I-am intalnit la un sanatoriu, noi am vorbi de fapt despre momentele noastre din ultimul timp,despre aspiratiile noastre si distractii si despre ultimele jocuri jucate si ultimele filme vazute. Unul dintre cea mai favorita experienta este cand am devenit un crestin responsabil. Aceia s-a intamplat cand mama mea a aflat despre boala mea cand aveam opt ani. Din acel moment, am inceput sa ne ducem la biserica in fiecare Duminica, apoi sa mergem la toate sarbatorile.Si eu pot sa ma spun ca este important sa mergem pe drumul lui Dumnezeu deoarece aceasta este singura fiinta care Ne tine in viata si in siguranta. Amintirea mea cea mai buna este cand am luat primul meu 10 la scoala la cursul meu favorit,Matematica.Aceasta s-a intamplat cand aveam unsprezece ani cand dadeam teza la Matematica. Amintirea mea cea mai amuzanta este cand ma jucam cu cainii mei de la tara, si le dadeam niste paine,dar acesti doi caini erau legati impreuna si se incaierau reciproc deoarece ei nu vroiau sa imparta mancarea. Cand ma trezesc de dimineata, mereu imi iau vitaminele si energia din mancarea mea care este mereu un suc de fructe (banane,portocale,grefe sau avocado), deasemenea un lapte de migdale cu cereale. Apoi ma duc la scoala, si dupa scoala, imi fac acasa temele si mereu imi fac exercitiile pentru a nu avansa boala.Cand sunt in vacanta, ma joc cu lucrurile mele sau scriu ceva.Deasemenea imi iau responsabilitatile ca crestin si ma rog in fiecare dimineata si noapte.Dupa ce fac toate acestea ma duc in pat si ma pregatesc pentru urmatoarea zi. Deoarece am fost interesat in ultimul timp cu tratamentul si sanatatea mea, m-am dus la presedintele asociatiei Duchenne din Romania,Isabela Tudorache si am aflat ce sa fac in continuare, si am facut niste analize despre sanatatea mea, si am vazut ca trebuie sa fac mai mult pentru a ma pastra bine, si deasemenea sa am grija de corpul meu, care este un pic mai gras. Maine, o sa fac exercitiile pe care doctorii mi-au aratat ieri, pentru a-mi remedia problemele si deasemenea o sa fac o plimbare pentru a ma pastra bine. Persoana mea cea mai favorita din jurul meu este fara indoiala mama mea deoarece ea m-a ajutat de la inceput, ea mi-a dat putere,curaj,cunoastere si puterea de a merge inainte cu tratamentul bolii mele. Aceasta este povestea mea, si imi doresc decat sa ma vindec de aceasta boala, deoarece nu-mi place sa fiu mai rau sau sa fim in scaun cu rotile. Daca cineva vrea sa ma ajute va rog faceti-o deoarece vreau sa fiu un om sanatos si sa merg oriunde fara frica.
My name is Florin Carciumaru and I am seventeen years old. I live in Pitesti, Romania. What I can tell you about my country is that it has beautiful landscapes, historical places and monuments; besides that it has many monasteries. If you want to visit my country, to get to know about our nation, religion and habits: please come. My dream is to become an IT programmer in Graphics, and an IT technician, besides that I also would like to be a priest serving at a monastery and to finish a polytechnic college. On the weekend I like to walk outside for an hour around the neighborhood, and to go to the gym. When I get home I read something or I play computer games with my friends online or alone. If I could change something in the world, it would be the hope for a better future, because when you say “There is nothing we can’t do”, this is not true. Not the politicians change a country, but the people who live in that country. They just listen to our complaints and then they do something with our help. So we have the power, and we must help each other, we must stop being stupid and move forward on our own.
If I could invite my three best friends to dinner, it would be my cousin and two friends which I met in a sanatorium. We would talk about our aspirations and pastimes, and about our the games we played and the movies we watched. One of my most favorite experiences is when I was eight years old and I became a responsible Christian. That happened when my mother found out about my disease. From that moment, we began to go to church every Sunday and we went to all celebrations. I can tell you that it is important to move on God’s way, because He keeps us alive and safe. One of my best memories is when I was eleven years old and I got my first 10 at school for my favorite course, mathematics. Another funny experience happened when I was once playing with my dogs on the countryside and feeding them bread. The two dogs were bound together and they clashed on each other because they didn’t want to share their food.
When I wake up in the morning, I always get my vitamins and energy from my food which is always a fruit juice (banana, orange, grapefruit or avocado), with almond milk and cereals. Then I go to school and after school I do my homework and my exercises. When I am on vacation, I play with my things or I write something. I also take my responsibilities as a Christian, I pray every morning and night. Lately I have become more interested in my treatment and my health, I went to Isabela Tudorache, the president of Parent Project Romania, and I found out what I to do further. I made some analyses about my health, I know now that I need to do more in order to stay good and I also need to take care of my body. Tomorrow I will do the exercises that the doctors showed me yesterday and I will go for a walk. My favorite person to have around me is undoubtedly my mom, because she helped me from the beginning, she has given me strength, courage, knowledge and the power to move forward with the treatment for my disease. This is my story, and I wish to cure from this disease, because I don’t like it to get worse or to have to go into a wheelchair. I want to be a healthy man and to go anywhere without fear.