Thanks to the European NeuroMuscular Centre, last November a workshop on the role of brain dystrophin in muscular dystrophy; Implications for clinical care and translational research took place. The ENMC kindly gave the World Duchenne Organization permission to publish the lay report of this meeting on the WDAD website.

The workshop report of the 249th ENMC workshop on brain dystrophin is now online as journal pre-proof. The DOI of the article is: 10.1016/j.nmd.2020.08.357.

Click here to read the full lay report (English)

This lay report is currently translated into several languages including German, French, Italian, Danish and Dutch. We generously thank the ENMC for hosting this workshop and the translators of the report: Prof U Schara, Dr C. Vaillend, Prof. A. Ferlini, Prof J. Vissing, Dr M. van Putten and Dr N. Doorenweerd for their general contribution to making information more accessible to the global muscular dystrophy community.

The European Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC) was founded in 1992 by a group of European patient associations that dedicated itself to bring leading researchers and clinicians from all over the world together. To achieve this goal, ENMC applies a concept unique in the scientific world, which consists of organising and financing workshops on application basis. Topics of the workshops vary from outcome measures, clinical trial readiness and preclinical studies, to diagnosis and care for neuromuscular diseases.